
How to Integrate Spiritual Awakenings, Shamanic Journeys and Spiritual Healings:

Journal Prompts and Exercises to help you thrive after a Spiritual Healing Session

Hey Beautiful Soul!

I’m so happy you are here and embarking on your Spiritual Path! After 10 years of experience Journeying to Spirit and doing healings I have noticed some common patterns after Energy Healings and Spiritual Healing Sessions. If you have recently gone through a Spiritual Awakening or have gone through an Energy/Spiritual Healing Session, you may experience:

  • Feeling fatigued or tired
  • Feeling a bit more withdrawn or introverted than usual
  • Feeling emotionally vulnerable
  • Vivid dreams
  • Heightened sensations in your body or energy field
  • Feeling dehydrated
  • Depending on the person: excess appetite or lack of appetite
  • Feeling “strange” or “spacey”
  • Feeling giddy or unusually happy/relieved

I know this list may seem negative but it’s because we expect the positive effects from Spiritual Growth and Awakening. Sometimes the higher vibration of healing takes a bit of time to integrate with our physical, 3D bodies. The misalignment between energies can make us feel a little off until we digest and acclimate to this new way of being. This usually only goes on for a few days or a week after a Spiritual Healing or Awakening, but if you’re not expecting it, it can be a surprise. Here are some tips to help you acclimate and adjust to your new energetic state.

1. Prioritize Self-Care

This is a great time to nurture your whole being: mind, body, and soul. Self-Care rituals look a little different for everyone, so find what works for you and what makes you feel cared for.

2. Get Lots ZZzzs

Try your best to get a full night’s sleep if you can. Spiritual Healings and Spiritual Awakenings tend to work on all levels, this includes our subconscious beliefs. Deep sleep allows our brains to process information and our bodies to regenerate. Getting a good night’s sleep has enormous health benefits too! This is also a great time for our angels, guides or Higher Self to make contact with us through dreams.

3. Drink Lots of Water

Whenever I go to Spiritual Retreats and Meditation Retreats I always make sure I drink a lot of water. Working with high energy beings and frequencies can effect our physical bodies. Drinking enough, high-quality water is a great way to make integration easier on us.

4. Be Nice To Yourself

How would you like your partner, lover, bestfriend or family to talk to you? What would make you feel loved and cared for? So often our Past Lives , Soul Parts or Inner Children have been through so much, and they need empathy and understanding. Our ego is great at judging and being critical, so we need to make a conscious effort to speak to ourselves with love, compassion and forgiveness. EFT or Emotional Freedom Tapping is a great way to reprogram our subconscious minds and can be a great asset

5. Ground Yourself in Nature

Nature is incredibly healing. Mother Gaia/Mother Earth loves you and wants to nurture you. The modern world has pulled us away from nature in many ways, but it is an invaluable resource we can tap into.

Try dipping your feet in a natural body or water, or walking barefoot on the grass. Imagine roots reaching down into the earth, and positive, radiant green light coming up from Mother Earth’s center and into your light body.

6. Meditate, Pray, Journal

Spiritual Practices don’t have to be boring, or regimented. They don’t have to take a long time. You can make almost any task meditative and purposeful with intention. I know of monks and spiritual practitioners that have reached enlightenment, or had spiritual awakenings doing mundane tasks like sweeping the floor or polishing candle holders.

Pop in some headphones and go for a run, stick your feet in the sand at the beach and listen to the waves; meditation doesn’t always have to be about stillness it can be about joy and observing your consciousness.

You don’t have to know your guides by name to pray to them, or just choose an Ascended Master or Light Being that resonates with you. They are interdimensional light beings, so you can’t overwhelm them by asking for help all the time. Here’s a great prayer: ask for protection, guidance and strength each day. If you forget things easily like I do, set a reminder in your phone. It only takes a few seconds to tap into divine wisdom and support.

Journal Prompts to Continue the Work:

What lessons can I take away from this experience? (list 5 lessons)
what are the major themes or patterns present in this experience?
what are some ideas or experiences I could use more clarity on?
write a love letter to yourself: in what ways are you strong, resilient, and dedicated? what are some ways you could radically and fully accept & forgive yourself?
is there anything you can forgive yourself for?
do you feel like you are taking responsibility for your healing? explain why or why not

For Past Life Healings:

what are some counter-points to your past lie that are present in your current life?
what beliefs did your past life hold that are no longer serving you in this life?
what memory stood out the most to you and why?
what surprised you about the journey? why do you think that is?
what’s the next step? are you sensing any other karmic patterns or blocks after doing this work?

For our Heart Healing Package:

what was the most surprising piece of information or journey?
pick 5 images that stood out to you from the package: make a mindmap or list about the messages or symbolism of those images (for example if roses stood out & it was a loving experience & your late grandma was named rose, is spirit trying to tell you something? check in with your intuition)
research your spirit guides: what do they represent? does the popular beleifs about them feel accurate? what resonates for you about them?
what lessons or themes can you take away from this work?
if you could do it over again,would you change or tweak your intentions? why?

**Please note I am not a doctor. This is in no way mental health or health advice but rather based on my spiritual practice. Spirituality is subjective and not objectively measurable. For any and all health concerns it is advised that you seek out the help of a licensed healthcare professional in your area.