
The Best Way to Clear Past Lives: Why I Stopped Using Meditation & Hypnosis

By Lion Heart Leo

There are Akashic Records Meditations all over YouTube, and many hypnotherapists offer Past Life Sessions. So why did I ditch these methods and opt for Shamanic Journeying instead?

The first Past Life that started giving me trouble was a Germanic witch who was burned at the stake (did you feel a twang when you read that? A lot of us woo-woo folks carry the witch wound from being persecuted in other lives or down our Ancestral Lines). I was having trouble feeling safe in my peer group. I was deeply depressed and scared about being “too weird.” Yes, normal is just a setting on the washing machine, and I have accepted my weirdness now. At the time it was deeply troubling and deeply triggering.

My mentor and teacher Journeyed to that witch Past Life and performed a shamanic healing. It shifted my subconscious fears. These fears were running my life and creating undesirable blocks and behavior. Within a one hour session all of that was shifted with minimal integration. Later in life I tried out a bunch of other healing techniques, and was disappointed that the Past Life meditations and hypnosis just didn’t measure up.

While meditation and hypnosis can show you what happened in your Past Life. They bring some clarity. However, I often wonder how much actual healing they bring. There is a reason why we suppress memories in this lifetime, and from our Past Lives; it’s so we can function in our day-to-day tasks until we have space and support to heal.

Most hypnosis and meditation techniques reveal information, but afterwards we are left feeling raw. With these techniques you have to talk your Past Life Self through intense feelings, and trauma after you re-live the worst moments of your lives. Then you are left having to do most of the healing after your session while trying to function in your daily routine.

Then you have to go to work, pick your kids up from school, or get dinner on the table while you continue to feel your Past Lives’ worst memories. This approach is harder than it has to be.

This is why I was overjoyed when my elder, and mentor revealed to me that HUGE transformations and healings were possible through a different Past Life method. My mentor created this method with another practitioner, and it is the most effective I have ever seen. She has taught me how to heal and cross dozens of traumatized Past Lives in 20 minutes on Earth.

I have been lucky enough to be taught this secret method, and I now use it with my own clients. For the last 10 years, through Shamanic Journey I have been able to enter the Akashic Hall of Records. The Akashic Records serves as the database for the whole Universe. It holds every lifetime ever lived on planet, and off of planet.

Time works differently outside of the second and third dimensions. The Akashic Hall exists in the 8th dimension, meaning I am able to see different lifetimes playout, and perform mass healings when I am there.

It is possible to be a ghost stuck on the third-dimensional plain (aka Earth) and still exist in your current lifetime. This is because time does not exist the way we perceive it in other dimensions. Many souls miss their tunnel of light to the afterlife either because of a sudden, or traumatic death, or because they have unfinished business and limiting beliefs.

When our Past Lives are stuck as a ghost, and have not crossed over to the afterlife, they have a much greater influence over our current lifetime. Their thoughts and feelings influence our thoughts and feelings, which tend to influence our behavioral patterns. This is why simply remembering a Past Life through a meditation or hypnosis is not as effective at healing because most practitioners are not properly trained in psychopomp (Soul Crossing).

Helping our ghost-selves cross over to the afterlife completes the lifetimes and helps us breakthrough the subconscious blocks that were being influenced by our Past Life Selves. For example: someone who died in childbirth may have severe menstrual cycles. They may be afraid to have kids in this lifetime, or they may be carrying fears from that life. Crossing them over safely can help to release all the negative blocks and patterns, so you can manifest better health, a great relationship or an easy pregnancy this time around.

There are dire consequences if you get to close to the veil to the other side/the afterlife so it is best to leave the ghost-crossing to a trained practitioner. It is not something to be attempted without proper training. This is why before I was trained, my mentor performed Past Life Healings on my behalf.

To this day, I still prefer to have my mentor, or one of my past students Journey for me. Allowing a trained practitioner to Journey into your Past Lives provides a buffer, and reduces the chances of being retraumatized. It’s tough to look at our trauma. It’s even harder to look at when we are the bad guy. Having a trusted and trained practitioner do the healing for you is just as effective, and you get all of the same information, without having to relive your worst moments. Healing doesn’t have to be that hard!

If you are curious about my exclusive and proven Past Life Healing Method, click here to learn more.

If hypnosis and meditations resonate for you that’s amazing. I always encourage everyone to use their own discernment and intuition to find the healing path that is best for them. I hope you consider that there may be more to unpack, uncover, and heal than just the memories alone but you know what is best for you!

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