Feeling Stuck? How to break through feeling stuck with Emotional Freedom Tapping:

So many of my friends, family and clients have been feeling stuck lately! It’s hard to know what to do, and how to break through when you are faced with these challenges.

I believe we all have our own Inner Wisdom and inner guidance system but sometimes we have subconscious blocks that are hard to break through. EFT or Emotional Freedom Technique is a pattern interrupter. Coaches like Denise Duffield-Thomas and Gala Darling have opened my eyes to how powerful this method can be!

It’s really simple to implement; just do what I do, and say what I say. I was amazed at how EFT has changed my life.

How to Know if Your Spirit Guides are Trying to Contact You:

15 ways to know if your Spirit Guides are trying to get in touch with you.

How do I know if my Spirit Guides are around?

Are my Spirit Guides trying to contact me? This is one of my most asked questions on my social media. I have put together 15 EASY ways that you can tell if your loving, amazing Spirit Guides are trying to contact you.

We all have our own Spirit Guide, Spirit Teacher, Guardian Angel, and Animal Spirit Guides/Power Animals. They all bring their own unique abilities and strengths into our lives. Did you know you can actually talk to them daily? You are never talking to them too much because they are INFINITE beings of LOVE & LIGHT here to guide you on your life path.

I have been journeying to mine for over 10 years and it has completely changed my life. I check in with them all the time to see if I am on the right path. I created this video so you can start checking in with your Spirit Guides daily.

We all have free will, so a lot of the time we just have to ask our Spirit Guides and Guardian Angels to step in and help us. They are constantly trying to communicate with us, so this video outlines 15 ways you can tell if your Spirit Guides are trying to contact you, and 3 ways you can contact them if you haven’t learned how to journey yet.

I highly recommend learning how to Journey. I am not very good at meditating and through Neo-Shamanic Journeying I have been able to meet with my Guides and many other beings of light to unlock secrets of the Universe, and get high quality advice to help me live my best life.

My students have been doing this for years and it has helped them solve so many problems by tapping into the Divine Wisdom our Guides have waiting for us (link to join my online class is here: https://lion-heart-leo.teachable.com/… )

An easy way to manifest the money for my online class is here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v0YtX…

10 Ways to Know if You Have Had a Past Life:

Have you ever asked yourself? “Have I reincarnated before?”

Chances are you if you clicked on this video, something is resonating! This is your sign you may have had hundreds of lifetimes on Earth before.

I have been a Past Life Healer for 8 years and a Spiritual Practitioner for 10. Maybe you are just starting your Spiritual Awakening, or maybe you have always been curious about karma and Past Lives.

Here are 10 easy ways for you to figure that out! Karma can affect us in so many ways, and most of us are unconscious about our Past Lives. One of the fastest ways to manifest or break through our unconscious patterns of behavior is to heal and cross our Past Lives. The Akashic Records have so much in store for you! Welcome to the Journey.

If you want to book a Past Life Healing with me, click here to get all the info.

EFT Tapping: How to Manifest a Loving Partner

You are perfect, whole, and complete just as you are!

I used to attract toxic relationships. I have enough bad relationship content I could write a book about bad dates and toxic partnerships. It wasn’t until I broke down the beliefs I had about myself and what I deserved that I was able to find love.

After countless past life healings and meditation experiences I was able to make a breakthrough. I wish I had known about EFT tapping back then because I think it would have led me to my loving fiancé much sooner.

EFT is one of my favorite tools because it gets through to your subconscious mind so quickly and helps you manifest so much easier! If you are wanting to strengthen your current relationship or attract new love, this was designed for you!

Make sure you’re hydrated and have washed your hands, and lets tap to attract a loving, supportive partner for you!

Happy tapping!

How to Manifest Money Easily and Clear Debt: EFT Tapping

The first time I tried EFT tapping I was testing it. I did not fully buy into it. There was a part of me that thought I could prove it wrong, and that it was too good to be true.

I watched one of Gala Darling’s videos on how to manifest $365. I tapped along and repeated after her. The next day was the busiest day my restaurant job had ever seen. We were run off our feet. When I had tipped out all the kitchen and hostesses, I was shocked to see $366 in my hands. It was like the Universe gave me that extra dollar just to be cheeky and say “see?”

Now I love tapping! It helps me move through stuck places, shame and guilt so quickly. It helps me manifest the things I want. I just feel awesome after a tapping session too!

I created this video so you could release some of the yucky parts about debt. There is nothing shameful about being in debt, or having debt from an unfortunate situation. I am in no way a financial consultant, but I do love manifesting. I hope this method helps you as much as it has helped me!

More to come! Subscribe to me on YouTube to get notified when I post a new video.

How to Heal Your Ancestors (Meditation)

Ancestral pain and trauma can be passed down through the generations. Even if they have passed on, they can leave you with the energetic imprint of their pain and suffering. Science is starting to catch up to this long-held spiritual belief through the study of epigenetics. If you think about how a female is born with all of their eggs inside them already, meaning the eggs that create the grandchild are present in the grandmother as she forms the mother. So if the grandmother faces stress and trauma, it makes sense that could affect the DNA of the future grandchild.

Energetically, or spiritually, the affects of this kind of inter-generational trauma can reveal itself through fears, beliefs, patterns and blockages that may be holding you back. An unhealed ancestor not only affects you, but usually the rest of their bloodline too.

So how do you heal an ancestor? I have created this meditation based on my experience through shamanic journeying to make it accessible to you. Ensure you’re hydrated and in a quiet, calm place and let’s get started!

A great example of this is the Irish part of my family tree went through many famines. Not only did that famine affect the DNA of their children and descendants, but it also energetically affected our family. We could diet, and exercise, eat healthy and work on our mindset, but my paternal grandfather’s side of the family had a really hard time losing weight.

My mother did a Shamanic journey to heal our ancestors (similar to this meditation but a little different). It helped me stop binge-eating. All bodies are good bodies and weight does not affect your value in any way, but it’s nice to feel that I have more choice over my eating patterns and how I hold onto my weight, or how I choose to let it go.

If you want to go more in depth feel free to book a long distance private session with me email Lionheartleocoach@gmail.com

How to Manifest Your Dreams

Try to manifest all you want, but it won’t work if you’re not doing this one thing:

Back in the early 2000’s The Secret was released. It was the first exposure I had to creating your own reality, or the law of attraction. It opened my mind to so many possibilities and I was so excited to instantly manifest my dream car, a million dollars, and my dream house.

But it never happened.

Fast forward 10 years, and I had no house, no million dollars, but I did have a dandy Toyota. I was introduced to Abraham-Hicks. That too was really exciting for me. Their books are all written based on the premise that we attract what we want, given how we are “tuning” ourselves like a radio to the universe. Like attracts like. So vibrating in an emotional state of abundance, will create more abundance in your life, because you are tuning yourself to that frequency.

I was getting closer, but still not there.

Over the years I have been introduced to a multitude of different ways to manifest your dreams, but most of them are only PART of it. You can turn a tap on, have an abundant water source, but if something is blocking the pipe, you are never going to get the water.

So many manifestation coaches & teachers never address this, and it is so important! Yes tuning yourself to the right vibration, and picturing your dream life are all the right mechanisms to create the abundant life you have always dreamed of, but if you do not dissolve, heal, and address your blocks, it will never appear in the 3D world.

Some Common Blocks Are:

  • PTSD or Traumatic Defense Mechanisms (our reptilian brain takes over and tries to protect us and it over-rides our higher-self’s way of thinking because we are living in constant fight or flight).
  • Childhood Beliefs Surfacing. We are like informational sponges when we are young. So what our family tells us or teaches us has a very deep imprint on our subconscious.
  • Shame & Not Feeling Good Enough. We think someone else has it worse, or deserves more, or is better than us. We make ourselves “bad” or “greedy” for even wanting it. (By the way how “good” or “bad” someone is has nothing to do with how much money they have. You can be poor and still be a jerk or you can be rich and be very kind).
  • Believing Money is “Bad” or “Dirty” Money does not have a character trait. It is merely an exchange of energy. A $20 bill is just as spiritual as a rose. It’s matter, it’s intent. There is nothing wrong with it.
  • Past Lives & Karma are Holding You Back: This is one of the least talked about factors in spiritual communities focused on The Power of Attraction. I think they are trying not to force beliefs on anyone (and neither am I, I am just trying to share with you what works so you can make an informed choice). The deep-set traumas & beliefs from past lives can affect you today. Past lives are usually deeply unconscious but can keep you stuck in old destructive patterns if not healed, and cleared. Many forms of hypnosis can access them, but then once you remember you have to essentially go through therapy to try to heal that part.

You have the awareness now, to work on clearing all the things that are standing in the way of your highest potential & purest dreams. It’s your time now, and you deserve to live a life of prosperity & abundance.

If you want to learn a quicker way of healing past lives, book a private healing now: lionheartleocoach@gmail.com