How to Manifest Money Easily and Clear Debt: EFT Tapping

The first time I tried EFT tapping I was testing it. I did not fully buy into it. There was a part of me that thought I could prove it wrong, and that it was too good to be true.

I watched one of Gala Darling’s videos on how to manifest $365. I tapped along and repeated after her. The next day was the busiest day my restaurant job had ever seen. We were run off our feet. When I had tipped out all the kitchen and hostesses, I was shocked to see $366 in my hands. It was like the Universe gave me that extra dollar just to be cheeky and say “see?”

Now I love tapping! It helps me move through stuck places, shame and guilt so quickly. It helps me manifest the things I want. I just feel awesome after a tapping session too!

I created this video so you could release some of the yucky parts about debt. There is nothing shameful about being in debt, or having debt from an unfortunate situation. I am in no way a financial consultant, but I do love manifesting. I hope this method helps you as much as it has helped me!

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