How to Heal Your Ancestors (Meditation)

Ancestral pain and trauma can be passed down through the generations. Even if they have passed on, they can leave you with the energetic imprint of their pain and suffering. Science is starting to catch up to this long-held spiritual belief through the study of epigenetics. If you think about how a female is born with all of their eggs inside them already, meaning the eggs that create the grandchild are present in the grandmother as she forms the mother. So if the grandmother faces stress and trauma, it makes sense that could affect the DNA of the future grandchild.

Energetically, or spiritually, the affects of this kind of inter-generational trauma can reveal itself through fears, beliefs, patterns and blockages that may be holding you back. An unhealed ancestor not only affects you, but usually the rest of their bloodline too.

So how do you heal an ancestor? I have created this meditation based on my experience through shamanic journeying to make it accessible to you. Ensure you’re hydrated and in a quiet, calm place and let’s get started!

A great example of this is the Irish part of my family tree went through many famines. Not only did that famine affect the DNA of their children and descendants, but it also energetically affected our family. We could diet, and exercise, eat healthy and work on our mindset, but my paternal grandfather’s side of the family had a really hard time losing weight.

My mother did a Shamanic journey to heal our ancestors (similar to this meditation but a little different). It helped me stop binge-eating. All bodies are good bodies and weight does not affect your value in any way, but it’s nice to feel that I have more choice over my eating patterns and how I hold onto my weight, or how I choose to let it go.

If you want to go more in depth feel free to book a long distance private session with me email