How to Know if Your Spirit Guides are Trying to Contact You:

15 ways to know if your Spirit Guides are trying to get in touch with you.

How do I know if my Spirit Guides are around?

Are my Spirit Guides trying to contact me? This is one of my most asked questions on my social media. I have put together 15 EASY ways that you can tell if your loving, amazing Spirit Guides are trying to contact you.

We all have our own Spirit Guide, Spirit Teacher, Guardian Angel, and Animal Spirit Guides/Power Animals. They all bring their own unique abilities and strengths into our lives. Did you know you can actually talk to them daily? You are never talking to them too much because they are INFINITE beings of LOVE & LIGHT here to guide you on your life path.

I have been journeying to mine for over 10 years and it has completely changed my life. I check in with them all the time to see if I am on the right path. I created this video so you can start checking in with your Spirit Guides daily.

We all have free will, so a lot of the time we just have to ask our Spirit Guides and Guardian Angels to step in and help us. They are constantly trying to communicate with us, so this video outlines 15 ways you can tell if your Spirit Guides are trying to contact you, and 3 ways you can contact them if you haven’t learned how to journey yet.

I highly recommend learning how to Journey. I am not very good at meditating and through Neo-Shamanic Journeying I have been able to meet with my Guides and many other beings of light to unlock secrets of the Universe, and get high quality advice to help me live my best life.

My students have been doing this for years and it has helped them solve so many problems by tapping into the Divine Wisdom our Guides have waiting for us (link to join my online class is here:… )

An easy way to manifest the money for my online class is here:…