How to Manifest Your Dreams

Try to manifest all you want, but it won’t work if you’re not doing this one thing:

Back in the early 2000’s The Secret was released. It was the first exposure I had to creating your own reality, or the law of attraction. It opened my mind to so many possibilities and I was so excited to instantly manifest my dream car, a million dollars, and my dream house.

But it never happened.

Fast forward 10 years, and I had no house, no million dollars, but I did have a dandy Toyota. I was introduced to Abraham-Hicks. That too was really exciting for me. Their books are all written based on the premise that we attract what we want, given how we are “tuning” ourselves like a radio to the universe. Like attracts like. So vibrating in an emotional state of abundance, will create more abundance in your life, because you are tuning yourself to that frequency.

I was getting closer, but still not there.

Over the years I have been introduced to a multitude of different ways to manifest your dreams, but most of them are only PART of it. You can turn a tap on, have an abundant water source, but if something is blocking the pipe, you are never going to get the water.

So many manifestation coaches & teachers never address this, and it is so important! Yes tuning yourself to the right vibration, and picturing your dream life are all the right mechanisms to create the abundant life you have always dreamed of, but if you do not dissolve, heal, and address your blocks, it will never appear in the 3D world.

Some Common Blocks Are:

  • PTSD or Traumatic Defense Mechanisms (our reptilian brain takes over and tries to protect us and it over-rides our higher-self’s way of thinking because we are living in constant fight or flight).
  • Childhood Beliefs Surfacing. We are like informational sponges when we are young. So what our family tells us or teaches us has a very deep imprint on our subconscious.
  • Shame & Not Feeling Good Enough. We think someone else has it worse, or deserves more, or is better than us. We make ourselves “bad” or “greedy” for even wanting it. (By the way how “good” or “bad” someone is has nothing to do with how much money they have. You can be poor and still be a jerk or you can be rich and be very kind).
  • Believing Money is “Bad” or “Dirty” Money does not have a character trait. It is merely an exchange of energy. A $20 bill is just as spiritual as a rose. It’s matter, it’s intent. There is nothing wrong with it.
  • Past Lives & Karma are Holding You Back: This is one of the least talked about factors in spiritual communities focused on The Power of Attraction. I think they are trying not to force beliefs on anyone (and neither am I, I am just trying to share with you what works so you can make an informed choice). The deep-set traumas & beliefs from past lives can affect you today. Past lives are usually deeply unconscious but can keep you stuck in old destructive patterns if not healed, and cleared. Many forms of hypnosis can access them, but then once you remember you have to essentially go through therapy to try to heal that part.

You have the awareness now, to work on clearing all the things that are standing in the way of your highest potential & purest dreams. It’s your time now, and you deserve to live a life of prosperity & abundance.

If you want to learn a quicker way of healing past lives, book a private healing now: