How to do Shadow Work: Easy Prompts & Exercises to Start Shadow Work/Self-Love

Hey Beautiful Souls! I have had so many people ask me about Shadow Work lately!

How do you start shadow work? What’s the best way to do shadow work? Is shadow work scary?

Shadow work is really light work in my books. It’s all about integrating the parts of ourselves we wish to push away because of shame, guilt, scarcity, or just being in fear. When we can love and accept the parts of ourselves we pushed away we can manifest faster, we can stand in our power and we can show up for ourselves and others in our communities.

Here is my favorite exercise to help you start your Shadow Work:

  • Look at yourself in the mirror and start saying all sorts of affirmations: I am healthy, I am successful, everybody loves me, I am popular with my friends, it’s ok to be me, I am loved, the Universe has my back, it’s easy to make money etc.
  • Notice what triggers you
  • Jot down in your phone/a notebook which ones made you feel uncomfortable/yucky
  • Use that list as a starting point for your Shadow Work
  • Why does a part of you feel yucky about positive things? Why does it believe negative things? How old were you when you started to believe this? Is it true?
  • Now love on these pieces of yourself that feel cast aside/yucky
  • You deserve to have good things (if accepting that feels weird/yucky to you then it sounds like you have some shadow work to do around receiving blessings)

Here are some Journal Prompts to help you with Shadow Work:

  • What do I believe about__________ (money, love, good karma, support, having to do things on my own, having to get others to do things for me, friendships, being “weird”, being “annoying”, being “woo-woo”, my sexual orientation, my choices, my career path, etc)
  • What is the story I am telling myself around these beliefs?
  • Is it true? Are there people out there proving me wrong? (honestly probably–there are exceptions to every rule)
  • Can I let go of this story?
  • Ask your Ego: can we rewrite a new story? Can we create a story where I am empowered and feel loved and accepted?
  • Can I love and accept myself more?
  • How would I want a friend or loved one to talk to me if I made a mistake: Now talk to yourself or write yourself a letter with all that compassion you would hope to see in a friend!
  • Is it 100% healed? Or is there more to think about/heal?

I love you all so much! Thanks for taking this journey with me.

Be sure to subscribe and hit the bell on my YouTube channel to see when my next video comes out. If you found some valuable tips in this video, drop me a comment below! I would love to know how you’re doing!

Sending you big love! Leo xxoo