Past Life & Akashic Records Session


What if we could fix that? The method I’m trained in is like no other. Instead of putting you into a regression-like state, I travel in Spirit to the Akashic Records to clear & heal on your behalf.

There I can access your past lives, do energy healings for you, and bring back important information from Spirit to help you get on your highest & best life path. Wouldn’t it be great to know where to focus your time/energy to create your dream life even faster? We are able to access deeper levels of healing and untangle your subconscious beliefs with each lifetime we heal. I act as a buffer between you, and your past life trauma, which means more lifetimes can be covered in a session: i.e. bigger results than a traditional past life regression.

Oftentimes our Past Life Trauma can affect us in this lifetime. The fastest way to create new patterns is to change the subconscious mind. The Akashic Records/Past Life Session is great for shifting our subconscious beliefs and patterns that stem from our Past Life connections.

To make the most of our session, it’s a great idea to have a clear goal in mind. If you’re unsure what to write on your intake form start by thinking about where you feel stuck in your life: what patterns you’d like to clear/shift, or what your ideal life/timeline looks like? Don’t worry about getting this “perfect,” it just gives Leo an idea of what lifetimes/blocks to dig into to help you get the most out of the session.

Click the Book Now button below to be taken to our online Calendar Booking System. There we’ll have an easy intake form & secure payment gateway for you to book your session. You’ll get notifications sent to your inbox. We recommend the Zoom option so we can provide a recorded copy of the call for you.

If you would like to be able to get a free recording of your call, it’s best to choose the Zoom option so a downloadable link can be sent to you afterwards. Leo will also send you her session notes and will happily answer any questions that arise throughout the process.

With any energy or spiritual work, it’s a good idea to schedule in some self care time in the following week. Staying hydrated and well rested after the session will help you integrate the energies better. Energy work can feel a bit vulnerable or tiring for a few days afterwards so it’s good to keep this in mind when choosing your time slot.

Questions? Check out our FAQ page or send us a message:

All pricing for Services & Readings are in Canadian Dollars. No additional fees, all taxes and fees are included.

  • Past Life/ Akashic Records 60 Minute Session: $222Cad
  • Soul Retrieval: $222Cad
  • Heart Healing Package: $444Cad
  • 45-minute Reiki session:
  • 1 Hour Mentorship Call with Leo: $111Cad

If you have any follow up questions or are having trouble booking with Calendly please contact :

Response times may vary depending on current demands, we appreciate your understanding.

All pricing includes applicable taxes & fees. Please note that any reference to healing refers to spiritual healing. Leona is not a medical or mental health professional. For all health and mental health concerns please seek out the care of a licensed medical professional in your area. Results are not guaranteed. By purchasing a reading/session with Lion Heart Leo Coaching you acknowledge that you are fully liable and responsible for all actions and decisions you make prior to and following the session. We advise you seek appropriate council from licensed professionals when making any & all life-decisions. No refunds once Leo has Journeyed for you.

Want to learn how to connect to Spirit more on your own? Sign up for our online courses.

How to Contact Your Spirit Guides: Three Main Lessons to Keep in Mind

Want to up-level your psychic abilities & manifest easier? Are you over-complicating taking to your Guides? Do you wish you could receive better signs from your Spirit Guides everyday?

Your Guides love you and they only want what’s best for you. HOWEVER they usually don’t come through in “unbelievable ways” because guess what? They want to be believed!

We go into how Spirit Guides can access information from the Akashic Halls, if you’re “bothering them” and how to start tuning into their signs & synchronicities on the daily. Being in flow & dialogue with the Universe and your Spiritual Team (aka your Spirit Guides) really helps with manifestations and creating the highest and best timelines for our lives to take.

Check out my What’s Your Strongest Spiritual Gift Here

Doors open for the next round of Intuition Bootcamp on December 7th! Join my mailing list below if you want to stay in the loop!

How to Survive a Spiritual Awakening (You’re Not Alone)

Helpful advice and tips from Tiktok’s Awakening Coach @Fauxtivational_speaker

On this week’s episode of Woo-Girl Radio with Lion Heart Leo we go deep into the Awakening Process, how it feels and the skills you need to develop to find your way through your Spiritual Awakening.

Fauxtivational Speaker a.k.a. David is one of Tiktok’s favorite Awakening Coaches. He is personal and warm. You can definitely feel that as you listen to this week’s episode. David has grown his following on Tiktok to over 165k followers by creating relatable content around mindfulness and spirituality.

Spiritual Awakening can be amazing, fulfilling and peaceful, or it can be wild, turbulent and spooky. No matter where you are in your awakening journey, know that you are valid and you’re doing great.

As much as you can try not to judge yourself in this process. It’s different for everyone and your path is valid. David and I talk in depth about discernment, choosing what works for you and using your unique intuition to find what works for you.

You don’t want to miss this one!

Woo-Girl Radio is available on Apple Music, Stitcher, Buzzsprout, Google Play and (Spotify, I Heart Radio, and Amazon Music to come soon!)

You can find David on Instagram, YouTube, Patreon and Tiktok as @fauxtivational_speaker

Huge shout out to nIne lXfe music. Check his music out on Spotify and Instagram

How to do Shadow Work: Easy Prompts & Exercises to Start Shadow Work/Self-Love

Hey Beautiful Souls! I have had so many people ask me about Shadow Work lately!

How do you start shadow work? What’s the best way to do shadow work? Is shadow work scary?

Shadow work is really light work in my books. It’s all about integrating the parts of ourselves we wish to push away because of shame, guilt, scarcity, or just being in fear. When we can love and accept the parts of ourselves we pushed away we can manifest faster, we can stand in our power and we can show up for ourselves and others in our communities.

Here is my favorite exercise to help you start your Shadow Work:

  • Look at yourself in the mirror and start saying all sorts of affirmations: I am healthy, I am successful, everybody loves me, I am popular with my friends, it’s ok to be me, I am loved, the Universe has my back, it’s easy to make money etc.
  • Notice what triggers you
  • Jot down in your phone/a notebook which ones made you feel uncomfortable/yucky
  • Use that list as a starting point for your Shadow Work
  • Why does a part of you feel yucky about positive things? Why does it believe negative things? How old were you when you started to believe this? Is it true?
  • Now love on these pieces of yourself that feel cast aside/yucky
  • You deserve to have good things (if accepting that feels weird/yucky to you then it sounds like you have some shadow work to do around receiving blessings)

Here are some Journal Prompts to help you with Shadow Work:

  • What do I believe about__________ (money, love, good karma, support, having to do things on my own, having to get others to do things for me, friendships, being “weird”, being “annoying”, being “woo-woo”, my sexual orientation, my choices, my career path, etc)
  • What is the story I am telling myself around these beliefs?
  • Is it true? Are there people out there proving me wrong? (honestly probably–there are exceptions to every rule)
  • Can I let go of this story?
  • Ask your Ego: can we rewrite a new story? Can we create a story where I am empowered and feel loved and accepted?
  • Can I love and accept myself more?
  • How would I want a friend or loved one to talk to me if I made a mistake: Now talk to yourself or write yourself a letter with all that compassion you would hope to see in a friend!
  • Is it 100% healed? Or is there more to think about/heal?

I love you all so much! Thanks for taking this journey with me.

Be sure to subscribe and hit the bell on my YouTube channel to see when my next video comes out. If you found some valuable tips in this video, drop me a comment below! I would love to know how you’re doing!

Sending you big love! Leo xxoo

How to Protect Your Energy as an Empath:

Super Powerful 10 Second Exercise to Help Empaths Close Their Aura and Protect Their Energy.

This is trick went viral on tiktok and has helped thousands of people already!

This is a 10 second trick to protect your energy as an empath. As a sensitive person I know how exhausting and overwhelming it can be to go to a store or hang out with a friend and then feel like you’ve been hit over the head with a negative emotion that doesn’t even belong to you. This easy trick can be done anywhere and all you need is a hand or limb to do it!

It is easy to pick up on other people’s strong emotions or “vibes” and feel hurt or overwhelmed by it. We cannot fully process these things for other people, so protecting yourself and “returning to sender” is one of the kindest things you can do, so the emotion may be processed and released by its actual owner.

You cannot pour from an empty cup. It is so generous and loving to care for yourself and protect your own energy so you may do that for others.

I hope this amazing trick to close your aura and protect your energy helps you as much as it helps me. I talk a bit about which stones and exercises you can use in combination with the aura-closing method.

This trick has been life-changing for me!

Sending you light and love always dear one!

Check out my tiktok that features this trick too.

Woo-Girl Radio: Episode One Manifest Consistently with Kyle Cardoza

Hey Beautiful Souls, Welcome to the very first episode of Woo-Girl Radio (I was a bit nervous but I’m so glad I was able to share this amazing convo with you!) Kyle Cardoza is an entrepreneur, a social media influencer, and a reporter for publications like Online News Network, Forbes Under 30, and CBS. He brings you the practical side of manifesting with scientific tips and tricks to tap into your highest potential when it comes to manifesting.

I love his work because he breaks things down into easy, actionable steps so you can manifest your dreams and goals (yes, it really can be that easy!) There are so many amazing tidbits of information here to tune into. I really hope you watch the whole thing so you get the absolute most out of this interview! Kyle really gets into the law of attraction, how the universe works and how that can help you reach your goals.

Let me know in the comments what your favorite part was! Woo-Girl Radio drops new episodes every Thursday on Spotify, Apple Music, Stitcher, or wherever you get your podcasts. See it early here by subscribing and hitting that bell to be notified when new videos are released. We interview spiritually minded guests every week so you can deep-dive into your spiritual awakening, your intuition or manifestations. We want to give a huge shout out to nIne lXfe music for allowing us to use their remix of Polite Deer. You can find nIne lXfe on Instagram @ninelxfemusic or on Spotify as nine lxfe music.

Find Kyle and all his amazing manifesting hacks at:

@kyle_cardoza95 on Instagram

@kylecardoza95 Tiktok

Welcome to the Lion Heart Fam. Love and light to you always dear one! Like, comment, subscribe if this video helped you! Spread the love and share with a friend if you like! Sending you Light & Love.


How to Survive the energy shifts: 2020 & Beyond

Feeling stuck or off?

Me too!

Since 2020 there were some HUGE cosmic shifts happening. Similar to when the Lion’s Gate Portal opened to the Sirius star constellation on Aug 8th, we had another portals open, major eclipses and huge astrological transits.  

Staying grounded is really important at times like these. I like to dip my feet in the sea or a natural body of water. Stones like smoky quartz, obsidian, black tourmaline, shungite, or jet help to bring grounding energy to you as well. My absolute favorite way to ground myself is to hug a tree and rest my third eye/forehead on the bark while I breathe.

Even a quick cleansing ritual like a salt bath or selenite might help you to rebalance in these times.
If you’ve been feeling a little tired, or things have seemed a little off, that is totally normal. 
How do we get back on track though? 
I have a few tips and tricks here to help you re-center, and balance your energies. I needed this reminder, so I thought I would share it with you too! 

  1. Take some time to connect with nature. This helps us ground our energies and think clearer. Science has proven that spending time in forests & nature helps to reduce stress & anxiety. Forests have phytochemicals that reduce inflammation and have immense healing properties. Pharmaceutical companies often look to forest ecosystems to find substances for all sorts of medicines.
  2. Pray/Ask for what you want. I know this sounds so simple but it is SO POWERFUL. Take a second even if you’re busy, even if you’re working, even if you’re dropping the kids off at school and just ask your Guides and Angels for help. You don’t have to know them by name, you don’t have to be down on your knees to pray. You just have to put your intention out there and give your Guides permission to help you. They are infinite beings, so you aren’t bothering them. They want to help they just respect your free will too much to meddle without being asked. So ask!  ?
  3.  Self Care, Self Care, Self Care! Self care isn’t always chilling in a bubble bath or doing yoga. Self-care is more about following our own authentic desires for any given moment (within reason). If you need to rest, you do that boo! If you need to have a spontaneous dance party, then heck yes! Do that! 
  4. Own your Power! You are an amazing, creative force in this Universe. You have total permission to start acting like it. YOU have your own unique team of spiritual advisors and guides just waiting to shower you in love, wisdom, and knowledge. Start asking yourself if the thoughts in your head feel like love and light. If they don’t, they are not a part of your true essence. You have my full permission to start owning your Spiritual Gifts and your Spiritual Power. Ask yourself next time you go to say yes to someone or something if it feels aligned. Try making decisions from an inner feeling of peace and empowerment. Remember power isn’t about forcing things on others, power is about standing in the presence and essence of who we truly are. It’s about shining your light whether you are on a zoom call or working at McDonalds.  
  5. Say this powerful phrase to yourself: “I deeply and completely love and accept myself. I deeply forgive myself. It’s my time now. Universe, show me what I need to know to be in the flow. I accept it, and I receive it now.” Trust you are already unstuck, you are already in the flow. It has already happened because time is an illusion. Saying this has made it real, now you are catching up to the inevitable reality of finding your flow. 

Keep in mind we are riding an intense energy wave as a planet. My understanding is we have been dipping in and out of the 4th dimension and we aren’t quite ready for that yet. From my understanding Arcturian Star beings are helping us through this period.

From the bottom of my being, to the deepest part of yours, I love you. I accept you. I know you. 

If you would like to go deeper into the Awakening Process, check out this podcast episode I recorded all about that! View on YouTube.

There is no better time than now to develop our intuitive skills as the planet continues to ascend. This will help us ride the waves of new energy into the future and anchor the vibration of love and compassion onto Earth. As we tune into our higher selves and higher purpose we are able to shine a light on others in need.

9 Reasons Why Your Ego is More Helpful Than You Think:

Why is the Ego Good. How to get your Ego to work for you instead of against you.

Ever heard of an ego death? Ego death is a state where we can temporarily transcend from a self centered perspective into a neutral or unbiased perspective. This sounds great, and for short periods of time, existing in neutrality can greatly benefit us. Unfortunately in many spiritual circles ego seems to get a bad rap. So here are 10 ways Ego is actually benefitting you more than you thing:

1. Ego is why you are still alive

Ego is known for keeping us in fear. While being in a constant state of fear is stressful and unhealthy, and definitely slows down our happy manifestations, it also serves us by keeping us tied to our bodies. There is a reason why we forget how blissful Source and the afterlife is when we incarnate here. It is because it feels so freaking awesome to be one with all of creation.

While on Earth we are living under the illusion of separation. A healthy dose of ego and fear keeps us grounded and connected to our physical form so we can live a full life, and learn the lessons we come here to learn. Ego drives our instincts. Ego works with our reptilian brain and subconscious mind to keep us alive. A natural, healthy fear of pain and dying is a blessing and part of our sacred design.

Working with ego is about keeping ego in balance with joy and bliss. We can have a healthy amount of survival-based fear and still be enlightened.

2. Ego is trying to keep you safe

Ego is a creative mastermind. It’s job is to keep us in check. In the 3D (our dimension/the physical world) there are governing laws most of us have to adhere to. Just like the Law of Attraction is working whether you are thinking about it or not, so are the laws of physics. So if you decided to jump off a building and use your arms to fly, the law of physics is still going to be at work.

Ego likes to tell us all the worst case scenarios to keep us from getting to big for our britches. Ego knows the law of gravity exists and doesn’t want you getting hurt trying to push your limits.

Yes, the downside is that left unchecked the ego goes a little too far in the fear direction, and can produce a thousand reasons why you shouldn’t follow your hopes and dreams in a second.

When you know that your dreams are achievable, like starting that business you’ve always wanted to, or taking a trip you’ve been researching for months, than the best way to keep ego in balance is to say “thanks for trying to keep me safe, but I don’t need you right now.” Let your inner self know you are safe, you’ve thought things through, and even though there may be challenges along the way, you’ve got this. Don’t be afraid to turn ego’s fear script off when you need to.

3. Ego shows us where we have work to do

Ego likes to bombard us with negative thoughts and messaging. Like I said above, much of it is in an effort to keep us safe but it can go a little to far. Next time you catch your ego regurgitating fears and insecurities, try digging a little deeper into where those fears are coming from.

Ego is the perfect gateway into do Shadow Work. Ego shows us where we can still heal and grow, so it’s worth paying attention to those negative thoughts and messages long enough to bring awareness to your thought patterns.

Our thoughts affect our emotions, which affect our behavior, which affect our life. Bringing awareness to our negative programing allows us to shift our emotions and behavior, so we can live our best life!

4. Ego helps us achieve big goals

The ego has been branded as the villain of the spirituality and self-help world. While an un-checked ego can cause negativity in our lives, Ego is actually just the self-consciousness or self recognition part of our minds.

How would we ever improve, grow, or better ourselves if our Ego wasn’t constantly thinking about ourselves? As with everything in life, there is a balancing point. Thinking about ourselves and never thinking about others leads to unhealthy relationship dynamics and can negatively affect ourselves. However maintaining a healthy relationship with our self-recognition and self-conscious part allows us to set big goals that can benefit ourselves, and others.

If you decide you want to buy a house, and our self-recognizing center (the ego) keeps reminding you how cool, or great or happy you would be once you get that house, it can help to motivate to make your dream a reality. You might make choices that are aligned with your dream because Ego is feeding you ideas about how great your life will be once you get that house.

Once you get the house and feel abundant and settled, you can share your abundance and host wonderful parties, or take in a friend who needs a place to stay. Balance in this scenario is developing our self-esteem and confidence in partnership with our Ego, so even if we don’t achieve our goal, or it takes a little longer, we still love, and accept ourselves no matter what kind of house we live in.

5. Ego is good biology

There is no point in denying part of who you are. We are spiritual beings having a biological experience (aka we live in meat-suits that we get to walk around and experience things in). There is a reason why we have evolved to be the multi-faceted beings that we are. While many animals have “selfish” or self-preserving instincts, the ego is seen as a human experience. There is a biological reason why we have evolved with it.

Just like there is a reason why we have developed dexterous hand-functioning, we developed tools, and intricate social structures, we have also evolved to have multi-faceted minds. Denying a whole part of ourselves feels like the opposite of enlightened. There is a difference between not letting your ego control you and being aware that your ego is not the sole essence of who you are, and trying to get rid of a whole part of yourself.

6. Ego is a part of the reason why we incarnated to Earth

There is a reason why you decided to come to Earth, as a human, at this time in history. There are hundreds of other planets you could have incarnated to.

I have been an Akashic Records Reader and Healer for 10 years. The Akashic Records holds the information for all the lifetimes ever lived in the Universe. There are places you could have incarnated to with less contrast, less traumas & dramas, and no ego. Those places are light and ethereal, but they can become boring quickly to our over-soul/higher self.

Earth is one of the toughest “schools” in the Universe. It is one of the densest places, in one of the densest dimensions and it has been intentionally designed that way by the Creator. Our lifetimes here are especially challenging because our souls want to know who we are, by experiencing a simulation that shows us what we are not.

Our ego is part of that density. It is one of the tools that helps us decipher and understand our divine essence as a soul. There can be nothing outside of, or bigger than the force that created everything. So therefore, ego is part of the divine matrix we exist in, and willingly incarnate to.

7. Ego helps us identify toxic behavior from others

Have you ever heard someone say “he’s got such a big ego.” or “they’re so egotistical.”? It’s a bit of a turn off when we see others acting “selfishly.” Other people’s egotistical traits help us analyze our own behavior so we can find more balance within ourselves, and adjust our own behavior accordingly.

8. Ego can help us decipher our moral compass and set boundaries

If we see someone labeled as being “selfish” our ego may try to adjust by putting us into fear mode. You don’t want other people to think you’re selfish. You’d better do something generous and kind quickly. No one can think we are mean and selfish. Is the kind of script Ego might feed us.

If we are acting from a place of awareness, and self-love, we can accept this information from ego and think about how we fit on the spectrum of over-giving to extremely selfish. We can ask ourselves important questions like how our behavior might be affecting others, or if we really think the accused is actually selfish, or if that is just a projection being placed on them.

This can help us develop our own moral compass and set good boundaries. Our Ego can serve as a gateway into self-reflection if utilized properly.

9. Through Ego we can learn self-acceptance

According to Psychology Today, there is no escaping your ego. It is stuck to you for life. Spiritual Masters may have found a way to not be controlled by the ego, or how to observe ego more objectively, but an Ego Death does not mean you never have another ego-driven thought again.

An Ego Death is a temporary moment where we are able to exist in a more enlightened or spiritual state, and put our ego on mute. From this state we are able to understand the construct of ego better, and see how it may be overpowering us in our day to day existence.

An ego left unchecked will talk and talk, and keep you as small as possible for self preservation. So every now and then it’s a good idea to remind yourself that voice is your ego trying to keep you small and safe, and that it doesn’t know best.

Spiritual Masters know how to utilize the ego part of their consciousness to dig deeper into shadow work and shame resilience so that they may themselves better. Our Inner Divinity speaks in a whisper, and our ego is a chatterbox. However the ego helps to anchor our souls to the physical plain, and that is actually a gift.

Its always a good idea to strive for balance over perfection. Chasing an ego-less existence just fuels a Spiritual Superiority complex, and feeds the ego if we are not mindful. There is no reason to feel shame for pocessing a completely normal part of human existence.

The Best Way to Clear Past Lives: Why I Stopped Using Meditation & Hypnosis

By Lion Heart Leo

There are Akashic Records Meditations all over YouTube, and many hypnotherapists offer Past Life Sessions. So why did I ditch these methods and opt for Shamanic Journeying instead?

The first Past Life that started giving me trouble was a Germanic witch who was burned at the stake (did you feel a twang when you read that? A lot of us woo-woo folks carry the witch wound from being persecuted in other lives or down our Ancestral Lines). I was having trouble feeling safe in my peer group. I was deeply depressed and scared about being “too weird.” Yes, normal is just a setting on the washing machine, and I have accepted my weirdness now. At the time it was deeply troubling and deeply triggering.

My mentor and teacher Journeyed to that witch Past Life and performed a shamanic healing. It shifted my subconscious fears. These fears were running my life and creating undesirable blocks and behavior. Within a one hour session all of that was shifted with minimal integration. Later in life I tried out a bunch of other healing techniques, and was disappointed that the Past Life meditations and hypnosis just didn’t measure up.

While meditation and hypnosis can show you what happened in your Past Life. They bring some clarity. However, I often wonder how much actual healing they bring. There is a reason why we suppress memories in this lifetime, and from our Past Lives; it’s so we can function in our day-to-day tasks until we have space and support to heal.

Most hypnosis and meditation techniques reveal information, but afterwards we are left feeling raw. With these techniques you have to talk your Past Life Self through intense feelings, and trauma after you re-live the worst moments of your lives. Then you are left having to do most of the healing after your session while trying to function in your daily routine.

Then you have to go to work, pick your kids up from school, or get dinner on the table while you continue to feel your Past Lives’ worst memories. This approach is harder than it has to be.

This is why I was overjoyed when my elder, and mentor revealed to me that HUGE transformations and healings were possible through a different Past Life method. My mentor created this method with another practitioner, and it is the most effective I have ever seen. She has taught me how to heal and cross dozens of traumatized Past Lives in 20 minutes on Earth.

I have been lucky enough to be taught this secret method, and I now use it with my own clients. For the last 10 years, through Shamanic Journey I have been able to enter the Akashic Hall of Records. The Akashic Records serves as the database for the whole Universe. It holds every lifetime ever lived on planet, and off of planet.

Time works differently outside of the second and third dimensions. The Akashic Hall exists in the 8th dimension, meaning I am able to see different lifetimes playout, and perform mass healings when I am there.

It is possible to be a ghost stuck on the third-dimensional plain (aka Earth) and still exist in your current lifetime. This is because time does not exist the way we perceive it in other dimensions. Many souls miss their tunnel of light to the afterlife either because of a sudden, or traumatic death, or because they have unfinished business and limiting beliefs.

When our Past Lives are stuck as a ghost, and have not crossed over to the afterlife, they have a much greater influence over our current lifetime. Their thoughts and feelings influence our thoughts and feelings, which tend to influence our behavioral patterns. This is why simply remembering a Past Life through a meditation or hypnosis is not as effective at healing because most practitioners are not properly trained in psychopomp (Soul Crossing).

Helping our ghost-selves cross over to the afterlife completes the lifetimes and helps us breakthrough the subconscious blocks that were being influenced by our Past Life Selves. For example: someone who died in childbirth may have severe menstrual cycles. They may be afraid to have kids in this lifetime, or they may be carrying fears from that life. Crossing them over safely can help to release all the negative blocks and patterns, so you can manifest better health, a great relationship or an easy pregnancy this time around.

There are dire consequences if you get to close to the veil to the other side/the afterlife so it is best to leave the ghost-crossing to a trained practitioner. It is not something to be attempted without proper training. This is why before I was trained, my mentor performed Past Life Healings on my behalf.

To this day, I still prefer to have my mentor, or one of my past students Journey for me. Allowing a trained practitioner to Journey into your Past Lives provides a buffer, and reduces the chances of being retraumatized. It’s tough to look at our trauma. It’s even harder to look at when we are the bad guy. Having a trusted and trained practitioner do the healing for you is just as effective, and you get all of the same information, without having to relive your worst moments. Healing doesn’t have to be that hard!

If you are curious about my exclusive and proven Past Life Healing Method, click here to learn more.

If hypnosis and meditations resonate for you that’s amazing. I always encourage everyone to use their own discernment and intuition to find the healing path that is best for them. I hope you consider that there may be more to unpack, uncover, and heal than just the memories alone but you know what is best for you!

Interested in becoming a certified Past Life Healer? Join us in Mexico 2021 click here to learn more!

How to Integrate Spiritual Awakenings, Shamanic Journeys and Spiritual Healings:

Journal Prompts and Exercises to help you thrive after a Spiritual Healing Session

Hey Beautiful Soul!

I’m so happy you are here and embarking on your Spiritual Path! After 10 years of experience Journeying to Spirit and doing healings I have noticed some common patterns after Energy Healings and Spiritual Healing Sessions. If you have recently gone through a Spiritual Awakening or have gone through an Energy/Spiritual Healing Session, you may experience:

  • Feeling fatigued or tired
  • Feeling a bit more withdrawn or introverted than usual
  • Feeling emotionally vulnerable
  • Vivid dreams
  • Heightened sensations in your body or energy field
  • Feeling dehydrated
  • Depending on the person: excess appetite or lack of appetite
  • Feeling “strange” or “spacey”
  • Feeling giddy or unusually happy/relieved

I know this list may seem negative but it’s because we expect the positive effects from Spiritual Growth and Awakening. Sometimes the higher vibration of healing takes a bit of time to integrate with our physical, 3D bodies. The misalignment between energies can make us feel a little off until we digest and acclimate to this new way of being. This usually only goes on for a few days or a week after a Spiritual Healing or Awakening, but if you’re not expecting it, it can be a surprise. Here are some tips to help you acclimate and adjust to your new energetic state.

1. Prioritize Self-Care

This is a great time to nurture your whole being: mind, body, and soul. Self-Care rituals look a little different for everyone, so find what works for you and what makes you feel cared for.

2. Get Lots ZZzzs

Try your best to get a full night’s sleep if you can. Spiritual Healings and Spiritual Awakenings tend to work on all levels, this includes our subconscious beliefs. Deep sleep allows our brains to process information and our bodies to regenerate. Getting a good night’s sleep has enormous health benefits too! This is also a great time for our angels, guides or Higher Self to make contact with us through dreams.

3. Drink Lots of Water

Whenever I go to Spiritual Retreats and Meditation Retreats I always make sure I drink a lot of water. Working with high energy beings and frequencies can effect our physical bodies. Drinking enough, high-quality water is a great way to make integration easier on us.

4. Be Nice To Yourself

How would you like your partner, lover, bestfriend or family to talk to you? What would make you feel loved and cared for? So often our Past Lives , Soul Parts or Inner Children have been through so much, and they need empathy and understanding. Our ego is great at judging and being critical, so we need to make a conscious effort to speak to ourselves with love, compassion and forgiveness. EFT or Emotional Freedom Tapping is a great way to reprogram our subconscious minds and can be a great asset

5. Ground Yourself in Nature

Nature is incredibly healing. Mother Gaia/Mother Earth loves you and wants to nurture you. The modern world has pulled us away from nature in many ways, but it is an invaluable resource we can tap into.

Try dipping your feet in a natural body or water, or walking barefoot on the grass. Imagine roots reaching down into the earth, and positive, radiant green light coming up from Mother Earth’s center and into your light body.

6. Meditate, Pray, Journal

Spiritual Practices don’t have to be boring, or regimented. They don’t have to take a long time. You can make almost any task meditative and purposeful with intention. I know of monks and spiritual practitioners that have reached enlightenment, or had spiritual awakenings doing mundane tasks like sweeping the floor or polishing candle holders.

Pop in some headphones and go for a run, stick your feet in the sand at the beach and listen to the waves; meditation doesn’t always have to be about stillness it can be about joy and observing your consciousness.

You don’t have to know your guides by name to pray to them, or just choose an Ascended Master or Light Being that resonates with you. They are interdimensional light beings, so you can’t overwhelm them by asking for help all the time. Here’s a great prayer: ask for protection, guidance and strength each day. If you forget things easily like I do, set a reminder in your phone. It only takes a few seconds to tap into divine wisdom and support.

Journal Prompts to Continue the Work:

What lessons can I take away from this experience? (list 5 lessons)
what are the major themes or patterns present in this experience?
what are some ideas or experiences I could use more clarity on?
write a love letter to yourself: in what ways are you strong, resilient, and dedicated? what are some ways you could radically and fully accept & forgive yourself?
is there anything you can forgive yourself for?
do you feel like you are taking responsibility for your healing? explain why or why not

For Past Life Healings:

what are some counter-points to your past lie that are present in your current life?
what beliefs did your past life hold that are no longer serving you in this life?
what memory stood out the most to you and why?
what surprised you about the journey? why do you think that is?
what’s the next step? are you sensing any other karmic patterns or blocks after doing this work?

For our Heart Healing Package:

what was the most surprising piece of information or journey?
pick 5 images that stood out to you from the package: make a mindmap or list about the messages or symbolism of those images (for example if roses stood out & it was a loving experience & your late grandma was named rose, is spirit trying to tell you something? check in with your intuition)
research your spirit guides: what do they represent? does the popular beleifs about them feel accurate? what resonates for you about them?
what lessons or themes can you take away from this work?
if you could do it over again,would you change or tweak your intentions? why?

**Please note I am not a doctor. This is in no way mental health or health advice but rather based on my spiritual practice. Spirituality is subjective and not objectively measurable. For any and all health concerns it is advised that you seek out the help of a licensed healthcare professional in your area.